Conveners: Jorge de Blas, James Wells, Andrea Wulzer
This working group coordinates the theory community effort to assess the CLIC potential to discover cracks in the Standard Model. The physics picture that is emerging from the LHC results and the recent completion of the CLIC feasibility study and detector design, make this assessment particularly timely, in preparation of the forthcoming update of the European Strategy.
New physics might be discovered at CLIC either indirectly, through precise measurements showing departures from the Standard Model predictions, or via the direct observation of new particles. Both aspects will be investigated under several beyond-the-Standard Model perspectives. A summary of ongoing activities and the corresponding contact persons is reported below.
Working Units:
- SM EFT (F. Riva): Probing the SM EW-plus-Higgs sector with precise measurements.
- Direct Searches (R. Franceschini, M. Spannowsky): Assessing the direct discovery potential, its complementarity with indirect probes and the impact on BSM physics.
- Light Flavours (J. Zupan): Probing new physics through light quarks and leptons.
This a community effort. Please join our mailing list ( here and/or contact us for comments and suggestions.